Easy Berry Trifle

Easy Berry Trifle
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
This is an easy yummy dessert that everyone loves!! Perfect for summer time!
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 10-12
  • 1 5.1 oz box Jello Vanilla Pudding
  • Milk for pudding
  • 1 Large Angel Food Cake, chopped
  • 2 Tubs Cool Whip
  • Strawberries, sliced about 2 cups
  • Blueberries 1 cup or more
  1. Make the Vanilla Pudding according to the box directions, set aside
  2. Chop up Angel Food Cake into small/medium pieces
  3. Slice Strawberries long ways
  4. Add a layer of chopped Angel food cake to bottle of trifle stand or bowl
  5. Add layer of Vanilla Pudding on top of angel food cake
  6. Add Layer of Blueberries
  7. Line outside of bowl with sliced strawberries, then fill the middle with more sliced strawberries
  8. Add a layer of Cool Whip
  9. Repeat all five layers once more
  10. Finish off with some Strawberries and Blueberries on top!!
  11. Cover with plastic wrap and place in fridge. I like to make this the night before a party, so the pudding soaks into the angel food cake


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