Tomato Cage Snowman

Hello and welcome to the blog! Today I’m making a cute and fun Christmas DIY!! A tomato cage snowman. Now if you made the viral tomato cage halloween ghosts like me, then you have a tomato cage with lights on it lying around! I thought for a while and tried different ways to make the snowman, and this was the best way I tired!

First thing is to string the lights around the tomato cage. I have the 33 inch high tomato cage. I used a strand of 50 lights. You can also use battery lights. Next, wrap the cage with white garland. I found this garland at Target for a great price. I used four strands. The garland has a wire so I just wrapped a bit at the start round the metal and then ran the garland around. I already had the foam head. It is the 7.6 inch size.

I used some pipe cleaners to make the snowman arms. I wasn’t going to add arms, but I think it helped finish the snowman look.

I found a cute snowman accessory set on Amazon and it was perfect for my snowman. You could also make your own nose and hat and use a scarf you already have. I just thought this kit made it super easy. For the eyes, mouth and buttons, I cut out circles using felt with an adhesive backing. The kit even comes with a pipe!

There you go! Now you have a super cute snowman that you don’t have to worry about melting! I absolutely love it!! These are perfect in a covered porch or inside the house! Let me know if you make one!! Happy Holidays!